
Valco Baby is a family owned and operated company from Australia. We have been manufacturing and distributing baby products for more than 30 years. Within those 30 years there have been a lot of babies that have born, many of them into the Valco Baby family. What better way to truly test the products we manufacture than use them ourselves!

We pride ourselves on developing the highest quality products for our family. We are confident that you will feel the same when you purchase a Valco Baby product for your family.

Valco Baby understands how exciting a new arrival is to your family. We know you want the best for your baby. We offer a complete selection of strollers that have a variety of accessories that can grow and change to meet your needs. Valco Baby strollers are made to fit your life. We manufacture easy to use, versatile products that suit the needs of today's busy family. Valco Baby is the only stroller you will need from newborn to toddler and we offer accessories and solutions when the time comes to expand your family.

Valco Baby sets new standards for functionality, durability, style and safety. We are always developing new products to remain at the forefront of the baby industry. We look forward to meeting and exceeding your needs for many years to come.

Compact, lightweight (just 15 lbs) and easy to fold, with one hand, the Snap 4 Trend is ideal for today's mobile urban lifestyle. Whether for travel,...

Standard features including double canopy extensions, independent multi-position reclining seats,adjustable handle and footrests, leatherette handle and...

Add the toddler seat and your toddler can take a seat and rest from those long walks.  For extra convenience, it is designed to fold compactly to the...

This universal cup holder can be used on most strollers and provides a fitted grip which allows it to accommodate many different cup and bottle sizes. If...

Give your toddler a little breather from those long walks! Let him or her take a break on this little buggy stand which is compatible with most...

Valco Baby Travel System Adaptors for Maxi-Cosi infant car seats. Fits Snap Ultra Trend.  
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